Yes Virginia, sadly it is true.... there is no need for an education beyond a GED. Oh, and there is a Santa Claus.. Yeah, I saw him and your mother under the mistletoe kissing, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Now, back to reality... sadly I have come to discover that all you really need is a GED (okay, high school diploma). I know diploma is a big word but work with me here. Fact... saw an ad for a "Store Manager" for Alpena's Home Depot... Education required.. yep.. High School diploma or equivalent (GED) I was not qualified. Here's another one.. Production Manager, needed to have knowledge of Continuous Improvement... education guessed it.. high school diploma or equivalent(GED). Commercial Lending officer.. education required ..once again high school diploma or equivalent(they did note a bachelor's degree was preferred). Hmmmm, I guess taking the initiative to better ones self is really only for your self. To all those employers out there... You Get What You Pay For! Oddly enough two positions listed above have come up on job sites three time each within the year. Don't get me wrong.. I understand the world of business and all about bottom lines and what not...but last time I checked there were considerable cost involved when it comes to training people and if you are training people for the same position three times in a year you are wasting valuable time and resources or maybe, just maybe you need to up your requirements. Here's an idea.. talk to the educated people, don't automatically write them off because you think you can't afford to pay them. Last time I checked these people were looking for a job for the same reason someone with the GED is. Now, I'm not saying anyone with a GED is less of an individual or of a lower stature than someone with a college education(I know some of you were thinking that!) All I'm asking is... wouldn't you prefer to have someone with a college degree in a field related to your business with the experience in your business?? Oh, and by the way... experience in different fields is transferable so don't box your self in.. think outside of the box for a change. For those of you who are wondering... Yes I have a job, I drive an hour one way to get there because I do what I have to do to make ends meet. Yes I said job, but what I really want is a career.
Ask, believe, Receive
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