Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We've all heard the statement "Actions speak louder than words." I ask the question, is this true? Let's put it to the test. When you sit down with your specific other for a romantic dinner that they have made for you you think to yourself "wow this is great and this person was really thinking about me today." The action says "I really care about you." What if the first words out of their mouth when you sit down to eat is something along the lines of "You're nothing but a loser and I despise you." Put yourself in the situation. What speaks louder to you? The action or the words? I would venture to guess the words. Okay, so maybe I've gone to the extreme after all if someone is beating you to a pulp but saying I love you it's obvious that the action is the dominant factor. How about this, if I tell you I'm going to email you a document and then fail to email it. Action or words? Action. If you tell me you are going to pick up a parcel for me and then don't. Action or words? Action. So can we come to the conclusion that the statement is true when you or someone tells you they are going to do something for you and then they don't follow through with the action. That brings me to another issue, do you judge that person on one or two missed actions or multiple missed actions? Missed actions are a matter of trust. After a three or four times of missed actions, I would venture to guess you wouldn't trust the other person with prior missed tasks or do you not trust them completely? To gain trust you must earn it by following through. Do what you say you are going to do(and if you are forgetful like me, start writing it down).
To conclude, do actions speak louder that words?  I would say yes if told that something is going to be done than actions speak louder than words, in extreme scenarios I would say it depends on the action and the words.
Have a great day and think good thoughts. Be positive.

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