I believe it is time that the big oil companies stepped up and helped give this economy a shot in the arm. I woke up this morning hearing on the radio(yes I still have one) that gas prices went up another thirteen cents a gallon. That's twenty five cents a gallon over the last two days!!! Oil prices are approaching $200 a barrel. I ask, who's economy is getting a boost here? Let me guess... Saudi Arabia's! I feel sorry for Exxon Mobile and the other oil giants when I here they didn't make $1,000,000,000 in profits for the year. Here's an idea... make a vow to limit your profits to half a billion and use the other half to help jump start the U.S. economy. Wait do you hear it.... yep there it is... the argument... but refining costs and restrictions are putting the squeeze on us and we don't make enough money to help out. But amazingly in 2008 exploration revenue increased by over 50%.
Wait a minute, don't try to sneak out of the room Mister U.S. Government! You're not exactly innocent in this matter especially when, in 2008 you imported $53.2 billion dollars worth of crude oil from Saudi Arabia but, what's this I see... you exported $450 million dollars in U.S. Military products and Saudi Arabia is our biggest customer in the middle east. Wow, what a deal! Remind me to negotiate with you Mister U.S. Government. Here's my deal to you - I'll give you forty hours of all but four weeks a year and holidays for say... $1.5 million and in return I'll even give you back $10 grand. Deal? Deal! Let's shake on it. Done.
In my opinion it is time the big corporations did more to give back to the great people of this country. It's time to put greed aside and start realizing a reasonable profit of around 15 to 20 percent and lower prices so those of us can begin to improve our current status.
Have a great day, ask, believe, receive.
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