Monday, February 28, 2011

Choices and Mondays

How many of you have awaken on a Monday morning and said to yourself "Yippee another work week."? How come Mondays aren't treated with more respect? Think about how your week would be if you woke up on Monday and told yourself you were going to have the greatest week of your life. Think about it, every week would be better than the next. You can make the choice to do so. I am, this is going to be the greatest week of my life! Every action we take is a choice we make at a given time. You can make a conscious effort to live a better stress free life or you can choose to live a negative, stress filled life the choice is yours. Other people don't cause us to act or behave the way we do we make the choice to act and behave the way we do. For example, ever have someone cut you off when you are driving? Did they make you mad or did you choose to be mad? I'll even go to the extreme. Have you ever had a loved one die? Did they make you sad or did you choose to be sad? Better yet, did you choose to celebrate the great life they had and all of the great memories they gave you? What's my point you ask? We make choices every second of every minute of every day, they can be positive choices or they can be negative choices. My challenge to you is to pause before deciding and tell yourself to make the positive choice. What do you think will happen to you? Less arguments, less stress, more laughter, more happiness. People around you will begin to change. Initially the people around you will think you've gone crazy, especially if you've been a fairly negative person most of your life. Someone said to me a long time ago that I'm the only one that can make me happy. I began thinking about all of the choices that I've made throughout my life and how I've been blaming circumstances and others for my misfortunes. It's time to take responsibility, begin making the right choices and stop blaming Monday for bad weeks. Here's to the greatest week of my life!
Have a great day, ask, believe, receive.

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