I was born in 1812 and at the age of 12 I was sent to work in the factories because my father, even though he worked as a pay clerk, didn't know how to pay his own debts and ended up in a place called debtor's prison. Finally I said feed me Seymour.. Seymour said "Here, Boz, take these sketches for I don't want them anymore." So I wicked them up with papers and picks and went on my way. Because of this I became popular with the ladies and settled on a beautiful lass of which popped out nine children for me, so you can say we were getting busy on occasion. I also became popular in other ways.. why one time a guy by the name of Chubby Checker came to me and said I need a new dance that I can write a song about. Since I couldn't think of anything I told him he needed to go talk to Oliver. Then, of course, when you become popular people continuously ask for money... always a nickel here and a nickel there, a nickel everywhere... here Nicholas now get out of my hair!! Then low and behold along comes the magician and I extolled these wise words upon him... " My expectations are great for you David but you must go to the place of two cities and tell great tales but remember the one rule.. your words must be usable in the house."
Somewhere along the way I became separated from my wife and a lovely young actress offered to help me find my way. OH, how sweet she was. Unfortunately for me at the ripe age of 58 I departed this earth and left some unfinished work.... but that my friends is a Mystery......
Do you know who I am???
Have a Great Day! Ask, Believe, Receive.
:-) Yes I do and so does Edwin Drood.